Accepted Payments:
We accept the following forms of payment:
- Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diners Club)
- PayPal
- Google Pay / Apple Pay
- Affirm
- Venmo
Cash, checks, money orders, or any other forms of payment are not accepted.
Payment Processing:
Your payment method will be charged at the time you place your order. We use secure payment processing services to ensure that your information is safe and secure.
Order Processing:
After a customer places an order, we will send a confirmation email to the email address provided. We will process the order within 1-2 business days and prepare it for shipment. All orders have an ETA of 5-8 business days. Questions? You may contact us via email at
- Email:
- Phone: 305-686-8171
Business Address:
Lusso Home Designs by Oracle Fullfilment LLC
1756 N Bayshore Dr, Unit 10H, Miami, FL, 33132
EIN: 92-1349028